


大約在30年前,有一些台灣製鞋工廠做的反毛豬皮包子鞋,也就是英文字的Pig Suede Loafer,出口到了美國以後,鞋面都長了白色絲絨般的霉,造成很大的困擾.因為他们製鞋的時候,適逢台灣的梅雨季節,空氣溼度很高,在製作過程中,豬二層反絨吸收了很多空氣中的水分,鞋子做好後就放入盒內,然後裝入貨櫃,漂洋過海近月,運輸到美國加州。進口商一拆櫃後翻箱,發現幾乎一半以上的鞋都長了白霉(黴),出口的貿易商與工廠急著解決問題,就找來台灣的留學生,一双一雙用刷子把白色的霉菌刷掉,噴了一些殺菌劑anti-bacteria,又多放了乾燥劑,花了不少錢,後來工廠找到了我,怎麼採取預防措施,我建議他們用美國環保局認可的液體防霉殺菌劑,在鞋子包裝前用噴霧方式完成,結果問題大致解決了。


霉菌在我們生活的環境中,無處不在,在台灣最常見的是青黴菌及麴黴菌,這些黴菌會使一些體質敏感的人生病,但是黴菌也是食品加工上經常用到的,一些霉菌也被刻意培養拿來用於食物的生產,例如西方人吃的Blue Cheese藍起司就是以青黴菌發酵所製成的,使其表面有一些藍色的斑紋。而我們吃的醬油,豆瓣醬,豆豉,和味噌等需要米麴菌發酵,紅糟、豆腐乳和紅露酒等則是由紅麴菌所發酵製成,做臭豆腐的滷水也是含有很多的黴菌,至於大家喝的啤酒,更是靠黴菌發酵才能把榖類變成含有酒精的飲料。而且很多人造酶的生產過程,也是靠霉菌。



正如我們先前所說的,霉菌是無處不在的,我們在家庭裡面及工作場所的灰塵當中,霉菌孢子才對健康有比較大的危害,導致很多人產生過敏現象,甚至於引起呼吸上的問題。而有些霉菌孢子會產生一些毒性的物質,可以引起神経系統上的問題,乃至於死亡。長時間暴露在一個霉菌孢子含量高的環境,對身體是有害的,有些霉菌譬如是葡萄桿菌之類的,對人體有很大的危險,在一般家庭中霉菌最容易生長在潮濕陰暗,或者是有蒸氣的地方,比如說浴室及廚房餐具的櫃子,還有些地方經常會浸水的地區,以及地下室或者是水管的邊緣通風不良好的地方。如果在室外經常潮濕的地方,也是很容易產生霉菌,這些霉菌會使人敏感,眼睛容易流淚水,也容易發癢,或者是經常性的咳嗽甚至於頭痛,偏頭痛乃至於呼吸困難。有些人皮膚會生紅點,容易疲倦,鼻子過敏及阻塞,也很容易打噴嚏。如果在食物中有霉菌的話,可能對人體的健康產生很大的危害,甚至產生中毒的現象。比如說黃麴毒素aflatoxins,赭曲霉毒素ochratoxins, fumonisins,單端孢霉烯類毒素trichothecenes,橘霉素citrinin,棒曲霉素patulin,這些有毒姓的霉菌,對人體健康有害,但是也是用來做抗生素的重要來源。

如果我們可以在室內把空氣中的溼度,用除溼機控制在30%到50%,(美國環保局EPA建議)或者是正常使用空調(Air conditioning ),這樣做的話,可以有效降低室內的霉菌孢子的數量。而且使用空氣濾清機,裝置有高效微粒過濾功能HEPA(High Efficiency Particulate Air),防止霉菌滋生的第一步就是把空氣溼度降低,同時也要把容易吸引霉體的物品(大多是食物及水果)移走,或是放在冰箱內。



資料來源:皮革與生活 (圖片為同一雙鞋前後用棕色保養拋光後效果)

Mold and Its Impact on Leather Products (Note: the terms “mold” and “fungus” are used interchangeably in this article)

About 30 years ago, some Taiwanese shoe factories produced Pig Suede Loafers for export to the United States. Upon arrival, these shoes exhibited white, velvety mold, causing significant concerns. The issue arose because the shoes were manufactured during Taiwan’s rainy season, characterized by high humidity. The pig suede absorbed a considerable amount of moisture from the air. After production, the shoes were boxed and shipped overseas, arriving in California nearly a month later. Importers found that more than half of the shoes had developed white mold.

To resolve the issue, the exporters and factories employed Taiwanese students to scrub off the mold and applied anti-bacterial sprays and desiccants, incurring additional costs. Later, I was consulted for preventive measures and recommended the use of a liquid fungicide approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The shoes were sprayed before packaging, largely resolving the problem.

Mold is a persistent issue since it thrives in damp, dark, and ultraviolet-light-free environments. Some molds can even survive in low temperatures, posing a risk to refrigerated foods.

Mold is ubiquitous in Taiwan, particularly Penicillium and Aspergillus. While these molds can make some people ill, they are often used in food production, such as in Blue Cheese, soy sauce, bean paste, and beer. Some molds are even used in enzyme production.

Scientifically, mold is a non-taxonomic term referring to filamentous fungi that don’t produce large fleshy structures. There are around 1.5 million different types of molds, each capable of asexual and sexual reproduction. Molds are usually identified by the color of their spores, like black mold, red mold, or green mold.

Mold spores are present everywhere in our environment, posing health risks, especially when inhaled in large quantities. Long-term exposure can lead to allergies, respiratory issues, and even death in extreme cases. They thrive in damp, dark places such as bathrooms, kitchen cabinets, and basements.

To mitigate the risks, the EPA recommends maintaining indoor humidity levels between 30% and 50% using dehumidifiers or air conditioners. Air purifiers with HEPA filters can also help. For leather products, early intervention using a 1% bleach solution can be effective, but prolonged mold growth can cause irreversible damage.

Various anti-fungal sprays are available for consumers, especially for use in bathrooms and cabinets. However, the best prevention is to keep areas dry and well-ventilated. Leather care lotions can also help reduce the risk of mold growth, but as mentioned earlier, mold is ubiquitous and can appear wherever there is air or dust.

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