






#大面積黃斑 不可能 #翻新衣服#不知名污漬#洋裝清洗#乾洗店#污漬處理#南崁#蘆竹

A laundry shop is not a restoration service. We all know that customers expect their items to look almost the same as they did originally after washing. However, for stains like the aged yellow spots shown in the picture, many laundry shops would either charge a premium or simply decline to clean it. We tried our best with this particular item, as you can see in the picture, but the customer still wanted further improvement, which puts us in a difficult position. We would like to clarify that not all stains can be completely removed, although we manage to do so in over 80% of cases. For the stains shown in the picture, it took us multiple washes over several days to return the fabric to its white base color, and we tried to do this in a way that would not damage the fabric. Therefore, it’s not as simple as just applying a bit of chemical solution. Due to an oversight by our front-desk staff, we charged much less than the market price, just 150 TWD for this item. Considering the price, we have really done our best.


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