
淺說壓花皮Embossed Leather

淺說壓花皮Embossed Leather

我們經常看到的皮革,有不同的花紋,比如說鱷魚皮紋crocodile,鴕鳥皮紋ostrich,爬行動物皮reptile ,除了是真的以外,這些花紋是怎麼形成的,我現在給大家一個解答.在一般皮革廠裡,水場複鞣處理已經完成,完成乾燥工序的牛皮皮胚,進入了準備塗飭的階段,由於流行市場有不同的需求,為了満足客戶的要求,皮革廠都有至少一台以上的壓皮機。壓皮機,Embossing Machine, 也有稱Press Machine,因為不是所有的皮都要壓花,而只需壓平或是熨平,壓皮機有平板壓皮方式,也有用滾桶壓皮方式,目前皮革工廠用平板壓皮機器較多,平板有光板,通常是使用最多的板,不僅可以固定表面塗飭,而且可以提高光澤及平滑感,通常使用溫度在攝氏80度到120度,看皮料及化工材料而定,時間由一秒到十秒,甚至更久,壓力大小也視皮料而定,通常壓力大時間長,皮革容易變硬。


在這裡順便一提的,就是俗稱磨砂皮nubuck ,又有人稱牛巴哥或豬巴哥,也有人用正絨革稱呼,這些皮由於以後不會或是很少會做表面處理,沒有用表面塗飭遮傷補殘,所以挑選牛皮的等級必將上升,通常在染色的皮胚或是白色皮胚上,經過磨皮機用細紗紙(400號以上)起絨毛nap,使皮革表面有一種絨的感覺,也可以在上面有書寫效果writing effect, 磨沙皮的價格通常比較貴一些,牛巴哥是做室外鞋,工作鞋的主要皮料,登山鞋及美國陸軍軍鞋,也是主要客戶。假如用二層牛皮或豬皮製成,就叫suede split,牛皮就叫牛二層反絨,也有人把它叫做麂皮,台灣人一般俗稱反毛榔皮,香港人叫猄皮,通常在運動鞋上及室外鞋上,使用較多,做鞋內?也是不少,尤其是豬皮二層。羊皮反絨皮,由於手感好,拿來當成女鞋皮料的也不少。豬皮二層反絨用在服裝上的也不少,但豬二層還是用在鞋內裡多些。



由於壓皮機有呎吋限制,而且牛皮大小不一,花板壓的時候有接縫處,所以操作人員要把牛皮對板對好,不然在接縫處有些不齊,影響到成品的品質。現在,許多工廠用滾桶式壓皮機Roller Press Machine,好處是花紋一貫的,看不到到接縫處,所以皮革的利用率較大.



A Brief Overview of Embossed Leather

What is Embossed Leather?

Embossed leather is leather that has been stamped or pressed to create a pattern or texture. From crocodile and ostrich textures to reptilian designs, embossed leather offers a wide range of options.

How is it Made?

Once the tanning process and drying are complete, the leather, often cowhide, is ready for finishing. To meet various market demands, most leather factories have at least one embossing machine. These machines come in flatbed or roller versions, with flatbeds being more common.

  • Temperature: Usually between 80°C to 120°C
  • Time: Ranges from 1 to 10 seconds or even longer
  • Pressure: Varies depending on the type of leather; higher pressure and longer time usually result in harder leather.

Preparatory Steps for Embossed Leather

  1. Resin Filling: To fill any natural imperfections in the leather.
  2. Buffing: To achieve a smooth surface, especially important for patent leathers or bags.

Types of Embossed Leather

  1. Nubuck: Also known as “buffed leather,” this type is sanded to create a velvety surface. It is usually more expensive and is commonly used for outdoor and work shoes.
  2. Suede Split: Made from the inner layer of cowhide or pigskin; commonly used in sport and outdoor shoes.


  • Alignment: The leather has to be aligned properly with the embossing plate to avoid uneven seams.
  • Size Limitations: Traditional embossing machines have size limitations, which is why many factories are now using roller press machines for a seamless look.

Why is Embossed Leather Popular?

  1. Versatility: It can mimic the look of exotic skins, like crocodile or snake, without the ethical and legal issues.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: It allows for the use of less-than-perfect leather hides, thereby reducing waste.
  3. Fashion Trends: Patterns like reptile skins are trendy, and embossing allows for quick adaptation to market needs.

Quality and Price

Good quality embossed leather can look very similar to full-grain leather, especially those made by Italian manufacturers. However, it’s crucial to align the leather properly to avoid quality issues.


Embossed leather is widely used in various products, from bags and furniture to even basketballs, as in the example you provided.

Overall, embossed leather offers both aesthetic appeal and practical advantages, making it a prevalent choice in the leather industry.


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