








5,製造各種不同的效果,比如雙色(Two Tone Effect),擦色效果(Brush-off Effect),油變色革(Oil Pull-up Effect)等。


7,製造出來仿全粒面皮革的質感,尤其是對修面革(Corrected Grain)。



苯胺效應 Aniline Finish

一般來說,只有皮面完好的皮胚,才能挑選做成苯胺革(也可用苯染革這個名稱),原則上由皮革水廠染好色的皮胚,只需做到最簡單的塗飾,儘量保持皮革的原色,質感及紋路,所以不需要任何塗(顏)料(Pigment )來做遮蓋,中國人有句古語,若把西湖比西子,濃妝淡抹總相宜,苯胺革就是天生麗質,不需要太多的塗抹,所以如果使用化工原料,通常是一些手感劑,比如蠟劑,油脂,有時候可以加上樹脂或是酪素,做為一個保護層,也是可以加入一些表層光油,増強耐刮性或是耐水性。在大部分情況下,苯胺革都是全粒面皮革,也是苯胺革價格高昂的原因。

半苯胺效應 Semi-aniline Finish


塗料效應 Pigment Finish


Brief Explanation on Leather Surface Treatment (Part 2)

Why Leather Surface Needs Finishing

Leather that has been processed to the crust (CRUST) stage, whether or not it has undergone dyeing in the tannery, is already a semi-finished product that can be used to make various leather items. So, why does it need surface finishing? The main reasons are as follows:

  1. Many crusts, whether from cow, sheep, or pig, have various sizes of imperfections that need to be concealed and repaired with finishing.
  2. To make the appearance more uniform and attractive, making it more acceptable to consumers.
  3. To meet customers’ requirements for color, texture, and fashion trends.
  4. To enhance physical properties, ease of maintenance, or cleaning performance, thereby increasing the durability of leather products.
  5. To create various effects like Two Tone, Brush-off, or Oil Pull-up.
  6. To elevate the quality of the leather, improving the utilization of crusts with inferior surfaces.
  7. To mimic the texture of full-grain leather, especially for corrected grain leather.
  8. Surface finishing can enhance the utility and selling price of split leather (or suede).

Types of Leather Finishes

Aniline Finish

Generally, only crusts with good surfaces can be selected to become aniline leather (also known as phenol-dyed leather). The principle is to keep the leather’s natural color, texture, and patterns as much as possible, so no pigment is used for covering. Aniline leather is naturally beautiful and doesn’t need much dressing. If chemical raw materials are used, they are usually feel-enhancers like waxes and oils. Sometimes resins or casein can be added as a protective layer. Most aniline leather is full-grain, which explains its high price.

Semi-Aniline Finish

As the name suggests, semi-aniline leather is similar to aniline leather but uses pigments with covering effects in the surface finishing. This is mainly because the crust has minor imperfections that need to be colored to enhance its aesthetic appeal. Since there aren’t as many high-quality crusts available, these crusts need light sanding to smooth out small imperfections before surface finishing.

Pigment Finish

As mentioned above, some crusts are not of very high quality. For example, they may have obvious scars, loose grain, or visible growth lines. These crusts require heavy correction, meaning they need to be sanded once or multiple times to smooth out imperfections. Some may even need embossing to increase their utility value. Examples include common lychee patterns or imitation full-grain effects. Most of the leather currently on the market, such as sofa leather, embossed leather, and even white athletic shoe leather, is pigment-finished leather.


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