



#染色 #棉床包 #顏料 #乾洗店 #我們不是最專業,如果要求太高建議找其他廠商 #以免期望太高失望越大

This bedsheet appears to have been stained with dye. From the photos, it looks like the customer attempted to treat it themselves; the color has faded but there is still some residual staining that has spread. Given that the fabric is made of cotton, which can be prone to fading if not treated carefully, we had a tight timeframe for treating the stain. Fortunately, as you can see from the photos, we were successful and there should be no visible traces of the original dye stain.

#Staining #CottonBedsheet #Dye #DryCleaning #WeAreNotTheMostProfessionalSoConsiderOtherProvidersIfYouHaveHighExpectations #HighExpectationsLeadToGreaterDisappointments

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